Just when you thought it was time to hunker down and get ready for another few months of winter a glimmer of hope appears! When I think of summer I imagine warm sunny days filled with the fresh smells of cut grass and a warm breeze in my face. I drive with my windows down and the radio up. I think of campfires and roasted marshmallows between graham crackers and chocolate after a hot dog or burger on the grill. But most of all I think of the awesome trips that happen for the youth at Word of Peace. Most people think of vacation, I think of full on youth ministry and serving others as a part of that.
This summer will be no different. In fact it will be more awesome, filled with more excitement and more opportunities to serve than ever before. As parents of High School youth I encourage you to encourage them to participate in one of these amazing opportunities this summer. These trips break the cycle of a monotonous summer day while expanding their views on the world and most importantly God. These trips are filled will fun and challenges of both the physical and mental type. They are chances to grow and mature in faith and as human beings. I can assure you that your teenager will come back a different person, a better person.
Take a quick look at the options provided this summer.
Red Lake, Minnesota - July 18 - 23
Deadline is February 10th
$60 non-refundable / non-transferable deposit
Cost for this trip is $258 + transportation and extra activites
YouthWorks Website
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Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada - July 18 - 23
Deadline is February 10th
$60 non-refundable / non-transferable deposit
Cost for this trip is $278 + transportation and extra activities
Trip Information Page
Full trip Details
Wilderness Canoe Base, July 11 - 17
Deadline is February 10th
$100 non-refundable / non-transferable deposit
Cost for this trip is $350 + transportation and extra activities
Trip Information Page
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