Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You better listen 'cause God's talking

Today I was making some rounds to see some of the wonderful youth I get to hang out with each week, when I ran into a few at Luna Blue Coffee in Rogers.

They were busy studying for their Spanish test the next day when I was introduced to a person next to them.  It turned out to be one of the Spanish teachers who was also a football coach at Rogers High.  But the test was not the real reason they were at Luna Blue.  A Bible study was about to happen as a part of FCA.  

Now FCA or Fellowship of Christian Athletes is something I grew up with and I was suburbly happy to hear that something was going on at Rogers High.  The funny thing is that just yesterday I was talking with my Senior Pastor and he brought up FCA.  It was just a passing comment, but in conjunction with my what seemed like a random meeting at Luna Blue has made me pay attention a little closer as to what God may be doing in this community.

I always say that getting youth through the doors of any church is one of the hardest things about being a youth director.  But what if we could get Christ in a place where the kids are already?  This is no easy task and I think it will take a lot of work, but with the right people and some motivated student leaders, we can be a force in the community both in and out of the church.  We shall see where God leads us.



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