We began the day with a trip the one and only authentic Voodoo Museum in the world. It was quite the sight. I was introduced to John who is the only white man to come out of Africa as a full fledged Druid Priest and Voodoo leader. This guy knew his stuff. We went on a twenty minute tour of the little shop and two back rooms filled with different things t do incantations with. There were petrified cats, and bones and alligator heads and blowfish on the walls. We talked about hexes and how they work and that the voodoo dolls are a but sensationalized by Hollywood but are really used differently that what we would expect. It was a great experience and lots of new and different things were seen in that place. Thanks John for the great tour.
Then it was on the French market and Farmers market area. It was great and everybody bought tons of souvenirs, including myself.
Then it was off to lunch. Rick, Heather, Lauren, Cally and I went to Margaritaville for some virgin margaritas and good food. i had a cheese burger.
After that it was off the the hotel and then to the Krews Learning center for out Jesus day. People could choose from over 30 different workshops, self guided, and craft activities that brought them close to Jesus. It was a crazy but good afternoon.
Next was the whirlwind dinner and a brisk walk to the Superdome. Unfortunately we were a little late and our seats were not the greatest, but it was an awesome night once again. Each night gets us more excited for the next.
Afterwards we went separate ways in groups (with chaperones) and went to dances, concerts and well more dances. It was a great night that closed with some time together back at the hotel and prayer to close the day.
There was so much that happened it's hard to tell you all about it. But we will try when we return.
Thanks and keep up the prayers,
be sure to check out more pictures on the flickr page.
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