Thursday, October 15, 2009

Changing Seasons

Looking outside you can't help but think about the change in the seasons. The leaves are different colors and no longer on the trees. There is rain and snow, more coats and a forecast that doesn't look to get any better most days. Even in the stores there are obvious signs of the changing seasons. Fall colors, Halloween and even Christmas decorations are popping up everywhere. It's hard to miss.

This is also a time of life for High Schoolers where they may be changing "seasons" in life, but in a much more subtle way. Many times changes in attitude, grades, choice of friends and activities may go unnoticed by parents because of the natural business of society today.

In order to stay ahead of your High Schooler, be sure to take time each day to check in with them. And be truly intentional with you interest because the more authentic and caring you are towards what they have to say and are going through the more likely they will tell you about changes that are going on in their lives.

Have a wonderful MEA weekend and God Bless,


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