Day 2, could it really be I only have 28 days left in the crazy experiment? How time flies. No worry, I think God has lots of time to work through me. Speaking of which, my friend Kate and I were driving to choir practice tonight (I sing in the National Lutheran Choir and it turns out her and I had a similar reaction to beginning the Surprise Me God prayer. She said she decided to write it on the white board in her office so she would remember to pray the prayer when one of her co-workers came and asked her what it was all about. She told her and her reaction came in the form of her saying "That sounds like you are asking for trouble."
"That's exactly what I thought" I told Kate. Soon after she confessed that she too had thought about how this is opening doors and windows for God to work in our lives. But Kate and I know better than that. We both realized at that comment that God doesn't need our permission to work in our lives. God is all powerful, you think something as little as permission will keep his plan from coming true?
I think that God is always working in our lives, however whether we know or realize that God is the cause for things happening is another question. It seems like we walk a thin line between not giving God any credit and giving him all the credit. It's easy enough to ignore God and take all the credit for yourself. "Yeah, I'm awesome! Wasn't that the greatest idea ever? I'm glad I thought of it" Or the other side of the coin is the football player that is always pointing up to the sky after he does anything. "I just ordered a number 3 at McDonald's...thank you God (point to the sky)" Ok so maybe I am exaggerating a little, but the question "when do we give God the credit?" falls in the same line as "How do I know this surprise is from God?"
I think that no matter what happens in these 30 days God is willing to work through it all, even the small things. Which means we better keep our eyes open.
One update I have from yesterday is I found out that the funeral that is happening tomorrow will in fact have some relationship to my home church Our Father Lutheran in Littleton, Colorado. From what I have figured out, one of the kids of the person who died goes to preschool at the church. It is an amazingly small world and I hope that God will use me as a comfort in this time of need.
May God continue to bless you with surprises.
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