Saturday, January 17, 2009

Surprise Me God - Day 5

I love Fridays. Not only are they a day off for me, but I get to do pretty much whatever I want. Today what I wanted to do was help my brother with a new TV stand. Ok so he asked and I said ok, but I still was willing to help. It's a good thing too because the thing weighed a ton or 125 lbs. Derek's car didn't start so I was in charge of getting the Explorer from Derek's in-laws. The transportation and assembly went pretty well, and with a few adjustments we had a Swanson project completed without any injuries or swear words said.

I received my surprise for the day later that evening when I was making dinner. I had these big plans for making something from scratch but then got tired and decided on letting my friend Joe the Trader help me out. It was really good. But my surprise...I was making the salad and cutting up lettuce when I decided to make my thumb a part of the salad. What ensued was lots of blood and rushing water from the faucet as I tried to stop the bleeding. Luckily, I didn't need to go to the hospital for stitches but the tip of my thumb is just a little sore!

The evening did continue and Heather and I had a wonderful evening with dinner and a movie. It has been a long time since we have been able to do this. If you haven't done it in a while, I recommend it. Now, hopefully I can get to sleep with this throbbing thumb.


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