Thursday, January 15, 2009

Surprise Me God - Day 3

I think it is safe to say that the temperature outside would be some of the coldest weather I have ever experienced. If I am not mistaken, the temp right now is somewhere between -21 actual and -41 windchill. Yikes! So, because I was cold and tired I decided to make this morning a lazy morning and do my surprise blog before I go to work. Maybe that will give the sun a little time to prime my car for startup.

Yesterday was a day filled with craziness. The first being the funeral of Mark Frain at Word of Peace. Mari, my wonderful assistant, is also the volunteer funeral coordinator. She is insanely busy on these days. So knowing how much she helps me out, I try and do the same for her. I was in charge of video and media for the service. I have a little knack for it, so when it comes to in house questions about the sound board, media, or anything contained in the wooden roll-top desks in the sanctuary, I am the man to come to. This is a blessing and a burden at the same time.

Anyway, the funeral was very nice. It is really hard seeing someone you know in such a broken state. Mike and Terri Frain both are wonderful people and very active in the congregation, so the whole community felt their pain this day. As it turns our, what I learned yesterday about some strange connection between me and the Frain family was not entirely true. As it turns out, it is more connected than I thought. After the funeral was done, I talked to Kathy, the wife of Mark who died. (Here comes my surprise for the day) Kathy and Mark attend St. Andrew's Methodist Church in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Derek, my brother, worked for St. Andrew's for a summer at a place called Lifespot. Mark volunteered at Lifespot while Derek was there. It gets stranger. Kathy is a preschool teacher and a few years back interviewed for a job at St. Luke's Methodist Church. The director of that preschool is my mom. So Kathy knows my mom, Derek knew Mark and I found out how small of a world this world can really be.

Now I know I was not the main source of comfort during the funeral, I was only a lowly camera and media person in the back. But I still have to believe that the connectedness that I have with this family is not a coincidence. That somewhere along the way our families crossed for a reason. Maybe this reason was because this funeral was coming up. Maybe the reason the family felt so comfortable at Word of Peace was because of a deep down feeling inside of knowing someone there? I truly find God to be amazing in these situations. I never knew I would be a comfort to someone I didn't know.

Has that ever happened to you? Do you ever seem to find yourself in a place you didn't intend, only to realize that it was a good thing you were there? I think this happens more often than not. God is constantly placing us in the right place at the right time. Preparing us for the moment where we can spread his love and grace to people we may not know. But because of our experiences in life and remembering the times someone was there for us, we can't help but want to do the same for others. What a wonderful surprise.

I hope today and always we can be willing to reach out to others that need what we have to give.



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